At productivitykick, we work with Airtable, Fillout, Noloco, Make and other complementary web-based technologies to provide the ideal solution for your unique needs.

We consolidate your data into one central ‘source of truth’ to improve your team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

We make the technology work to streamline your existing business processes rather than trying to force you into adopting new methods.

Airtable is best described as ‘the power of a database with the familiarity of a spreadsheet’.  Click on any of the boxes below to learn more.

Airtable Development

Airtable is best described as “The power of a database with the familiarity of a spreadsheet.

Improve efficiency, collaboration, and operations in your organisation through one platform.

Minimise Spreadsheets

Consolidate your numerous spreadsheets into one ‘source of truth’.

Eliminate duplicated data and confusing versions of the same spreadsheet.

Improved Collaboration

All users work from the same data simultaneously.

Readily establish permissions to only permit access to the right data for the right users.

Remote Work Friendly

Airtable is the ideal solution for remote work environments.

All of your data is available via a secure, password-protected website.  A free App is available for iOS/Android Smartphones and tablets.

We’re Here To Help

The best time to improve your business processes was a year ago. The second best time is today.